Welcome GOP Precinct                   #112

Let your voice be heard


Florida votes in August 2024

       Escambia County Republican Precinct Board 

Chairman: John Roberts  : robertsjw@aol.com

Vice Chairman: Charles Thorton 

Secretary: Pueschel Schneier

Treasurer: David Gibson 

       County Commissioners

District#1 Jeff Bergosh

Email: district1@myescambia.com

Phone 850-595-4910

District#2 Mike Kohler

Email: district2@myescambia.com


District#3 Lumon May

Email: district3@myescambia.com

Phone: 850-595-4930

District#4 Robert Bender

Email: district4@myescambia.com

Phone 850-5954940

District #5 Steven Barry

Email: district5@myescambia.com

Phone 850-595-4950

Get Involved

     Help Us take back America

                               We Need:

Poll Workers and Poll Watchers: These are our Accountability People. They are onsite and see the election process.  Our eyes need to be on our election process. 

Door To Door Canvasing volunteers.

GOP Headquarters staffing for elections.

Contacting Voters by Mail, Phone, or Person.

Community events to get out the vote.

Home meetings of Patriots.

Election Integrity Committee 

Faith Committee

We also need Candidates for our local positions.

School Board, Mayor, Commissioners, ECUA Board and other offices.

Please consider being a Precinct Committee Man or Woman.

You can make a difference Locally



precinct duties_edited_edited_edited.png

Zoom meeting:  link of the Republican Precinct
5:30pm second Monday of the Month:


Supervisor of Elections contact


Email: soe@escambiavotes.com

Phone: 550-595-3900

Address: Corner of Palafox and Intendencia Streets

213 Palafox Place, Second Floor

Pensacola Florida 32502

For all voting registration and lists of election offices on the ballot and upcoming candidates information.

Please go to the Supervisor of Elections website : EscambiaVotes.gov

Republican Precinct Events

State Fair October 19th-29th 2023

GOP Headquarters staffing

Poll Watchers sign up at precinct meetings

Election of Precinct Committee men/women

Meeting local Candidates 

Local elections of School Superintendents 

Discussions and voting on local and state issues in government.

Escambia County Candidate Workshop

Call Keelie Sekerka, Candidate Coordinator at (850) 595-3900 or email soe@escambiavotes.gov to reserve your seat, if you have any questions, or need more information.